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Article No. 1
Name and Location
- The name of the association of multidisciplinary medical professionals and interested lay people shall be “Pakistan Hypertension League (PHL)” and is to be registered under the Societies Act Pakistan Civil Code.
- The present address of the Secretariat is: “Hypertension House” PHL Secretariat Room No. 202-203, 2nd Floor, Al-Sehat Centre, 105 Rafiqui Shaheed Road, Off Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi-75510, Pakistan, Phone Nos: (92-21) 920-1271 to 80. Fax: (92-21) 920-1287.
Article No. 2
As Systemic Arterial Hypertension is the commonest cardiovascular disorder in all ages, in both sexes, and in all regions of Pakistan; the Pakistan Hypertension League shall promote the dissemination of existing knowledge about, and, encourage further scientific research into the detection control and prevention of systemic arterial hypertension in the country by local, national and international efforts.
Article No. 3
A. Any health professional or lay citizen of Pakistan is eligible to be a member of the PHL.
B. Honourary membership of PHL may be conferred on any person of Pakistani or Foreign origin by the Council, in recognition of the persons’ extra-ordinary contribution to the objectives of the PHL. Honourary members shall not be required to pay any dues. An extra-ordinary Honourary member may be nominated as the Patron of PHL.
C. Founding members are the members who founded PHL on the invitation of the Founder- President. They shall have no special privileges over and above the other members save their recognition as Founding members. They shall pay dues just as other members.
D. The Founder members are the members who jointed on the invitation of the Founder- President before the first General Body meeting. They shall have no special privileges
E. Over and above the other members save their recognition as Founder members. They shall pay dues just as other members.
F. Membership dues shall be as decided by the Council. These may be changed whenever thought necessary by the Council. Members paying a specified once in a life time dues shall be listed as Life Members.
Article No. 4
A. The affairs of the PHL shall be managed by the Council consisting of the President, President-elect, the immediate Past-President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, The Joint Secretary, the Treasurer, The Editor PHL Publications and at least one Counselor from each of the Provinces of Pakistan. The convener of each local chapter of PHL shall also be included as Council member as and when such chapters are created and recognized by the Council and ratified by the General Body.
B. The Council shall be elected by the General Body once in four(4) years at the annual General Body meeting. No member shall be eligible to hold the same office for more than two terms.
C. The quorum for the Council meeting shall be a minimum of one third of the total number of the Council members. All decisions shall be by a majority vote and in case of a tie, the President shall have a casting vote. All meetings adjourned due to lack of quorum may be held subsequently without a quorum after at least a full day’s notice.
D. The functions of the Council and each office bearer shall be as spelt out here and in the bye-lays passed by the Council from time to time and ratified by the General Body. The President, or in his absence, the Vice President shall conduct ll meetings of the Council. The Secretary shall be responsible for the general administration and shall be responsible for notifying members about meetings and shall be responsible for all general correspondence and record keeping. The Secretary shall be assisted in his functions by the Joint Secretary. The financial record keeping and charge of the cheques and monetary assets shall be in the hands of the Treasurer. All cheques of the Society shall be signed by at least two persons, one being the Treasurer and the other being the Secretary, or, in his absence, by the President.
E. The Council shall meet at least twice every year. A seven day’s notice shall be given and an agenda circulated to every member for each meeting by the Secretary, after consultation with the President.
F. The Founder-President shall nominate the first Council from amongst the Founder members for the first term.
Article No. 5
General Body
A. The General Body (GB) shall consist of all members of the PHL. All members in good standing (i.e. dues fully paid) shall have voting rights. A list of members in good standing shall be available with the Secretary at each GB meeting. Any outstanding dues may be cleared by a member before the start of a GB meeting allowing the member to participate in the proceedings.
B. The General Body shall meet at least once every year preferably towards the end of the calendar year. Elections to the Council shall be held every fourth year at the GB meeting. A notice for the GB meeting shall be given and an agenda circulated by the Secretary to all members at least two weeks in advance, after consent of the President.
C. The quorum for the GB meeting shall be one third of the total membership of PHL. All decisions shall be by a majority vote. The President shall have a casting vote in case of a tie. All meetings adjourned due to lack of quorum may be held subsequently without a quorum after at least a full day’s notice.
D. Only the General Body shall be authorized to amend these statues or dissolve the PHL, and, for any such General Body meeting at least two thirds votes of the total membership of PHL shall be required and an agenda spelling out the amendments or dissolution notice shall be required to be circulated by the Secretary at least one month in advance, after consent of the President.